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You may have heard of the movie I am about to critique; “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”  As this fantastic movie came to a close, I found myself asking, who is this Walt Disney guy? Though the movie was very well put together and very family friendly, the older audience noticed a deeper meaning. This movie is being produced about the same time as the great depression, and you could see that portrayed in the movie. Walt Disney is a talented filmmaker. I also found parts of the movie to be a bit bizarre. Why would this evil witch want to kill Snow White? Obviously the witch’s self confidence has become very small. She needs to realize that she can't have everything she wants. How does she expect to be the prettiest women in all the land when she is so old? I'm not saying that old people aren't pretty, but if a young girl lives in the same kingdom, she might be prettier. Ok but really, who is this guy? He is making these fantastic movies. But where is he getting the money? Producing a movie in this dang age is very expensive and you can tell the movie was not a low budget movie. I highly suggest this film, and think anyone will love this astounding tale. I hope that Walt Disney will make more movies, and I am sure if he does they will be just as wonderful as his first one.

By: Molly A

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